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One-Way Video Interviewing is Here To Stay: How to Make Candidates Comfortable With the Process

As efficiency remains the mantra for most businesses, video interviewing has enjoyed a constant forward march and greater popularity in the recruitment scene. Video interviews can either be one-way video interviews, also termed asynchronous interviews, or two-way video interviews. 

One-way video interviews involve candidates recording and submitting their responses to pre-recorded interview questions. Indeed, this interviewing method can prove unnerving as it’s quite different from what most candidates are used to. This post gives hiring managers reliable tips for conducting one-way video interviews that will make your candidates feel comfortable and ensure a positive candidate experience.   

1. Communicate clearly 

The path to making your candidates comfortable with one-way video interviewing begins with detailing what they should expect. Before the interview, roll out a comprehensive guide that explains the essence of the one-way video interview, its benefits, and what candidates should do to ace the interview.

It’s important to provide tips to help them set up and navigate the video interviewing platform and their environment. Also, consider providing information relating to how long they have to answer the interview questions and the nature of questions they can expect. Providing these pointers early on will poise the candidates for success and ease their anxiety about the process.    

2. Use the right video interviewing software

One-way video interviews can seem intimidating; clunky video interviewing software will only make it worse. 

The next step to make your candidates enjoy video interviewing is to use an intuitive and accessible platform. The right video interviewing software, like Cangrade, offers a simple intuitive interface that your candidates can use without hassle. It also provides technical support for candidates who may need help setting up or troubleshooting before or during the interview. 

Reliable video interview software can help you erase bias and enjoy efficiency while giving your candidates a satisfying interview.       

3. Include elements of personalization

Due to how a one-way video interview works, it’s easy for the process to seem robotic or unnatural to your candidates. This can foster tension on their part. Grace the video interview with elements of a human touch to keep them at ease. 

Consider including a video introduction welcoming the candidate and explaining the interview process. Use personal elements such as the candidate’s name. Gentle and encouraging language can also keep them relaxed throughout the interview process.      

4. Frame the questions thoughtfully 

Another effective step to make your candidates comfortable with one-way video interviews is to craft the interview questions thoughtfully. First, it’s crucial to ask only clear and direct questions that are relevant to the role. Use open-ended questions that invite detailed answers from your candidates. 

It’s advisable to keep the number of questions within a reasonable limit. Too many questions can make the interview lengthy and overwhelm your candidates. 

As you design the questions, prioritize diversity, inclusion, and cultural sensitivity. Steer clear of any questions or question structure that might favor candidates of a particular background or prove derogatory or unfavorable to candidates of other backgrounds.   

Our article gives more insight into how to develop interview questions.   

5. Encourage flexibility for video interviewing

Flexibility is a major benefit of one-way video interviews. It frees both interviewers and candidates from the shackles of space and time. 

So, to ensure that your candidates enjoy this upside of the process, allow them to complete their interview on their own time within a reasonable window. This will allow those who have other pressing concerns to tidy up their schedules and give rapt attention to the interview when they’re ready for it. 

Also, allow them to record their answers to the questions as many times as they wish to and submit the ones they feel most comfortable with. This will give them the confidence that they put their best foot forward in the interview.    

6. Give closure

It’s common knowledge that most candidates expect feedback after the interview. Make your one-way video interview an agreeable experience by offering feedback on their performance. Collect their feedback as well to figure out how you can improve your video interviewing process.  

It’s also helpful to give your candidates insight into what follows the video interview. Provide a clear timeline on when they can expect to hear back as to whether or not they made it to the next round of interviews.         
One-way video interviewing is the answer to the current demands of remote work and remote hiring. It doesn’t have to be a nerve-wracking process for candidates. Find out how Cangrade can help you create an enjoyable video interview experience for your candidates.