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Top HR and Recruiting Statistics You Need to Know Now

The HR and recruitment industry constantly evolves, thanks to technological advancements, social consciousness, and increased employee and candidate awareness. Organizations should be abreast of these changes to compete favorably in their respective industries and HR professionals must have a firm grasp of the HR and recruitment landscape to ensure this.     

Statistics are key pieces of data in any industry. Numbers don’t lie. The HR and recruiting statistics outlined below provide essential information about the present state of affairs in different areas of HR and recruitment.   

1. Recruiting

According to LinkedIn’s The Future of Recruiting, AI is expected to supercharge recruiting with 62% of recruiting professionals optimistic about it. Likewise, two-thirds of employers say automating aspects of recruiting streamlines their processes. This is a strong indicator that AI and automation will only become more popular in the HR and recruiting space. 

They’ll boost operational efficiency by automating repetitive tasks such as interview scheduling and follow-ups. With personalized interactions and seamless communications, the candidate experience will be equally enhanced.   

Another notable recruiting statistic from the LinkedIn report states that 73% of recruiting experts prioritize skills-based hiring. This growing emphasis on skills-based hiring will shift attention from traditional degrees to actual competencies and qualifications. As a result, the job market will become more dynamic, efficient, and inclusive.        

2. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) and Accessibility

32% of US workers say it’s crucial for them to work with people of different races and ethnicities while 56% of them believe that increasing DEI at work is a “good thing”. Similarly, 50% of the US workforce think it’s crucial to work in an environment that’s fully accessible for persons with physical disabilities.

These HR statistics are tell-tale signs that recruitment efforts will be further expanded to target underrepresented groups and reduce bias in hiring. They also indicate that there’ll be a rise in investment in assistive technologies and workplace accommodations as organizations strive to make their work environments physically and digitally accessible to all.       

3. Onboarding

Another interesting HR statistic is that 80% of workers who had a positive onboarding experience hold their company in high regard and are 18 times more likely to feel dedicated to the company. 

This will likely drive HR teams to create detailed onboarding programs that will support new hires and ensure they understand their roles. The onboarding programs will emphasize the organization’s values, culture, and mission to ensure alignment from the get-go. Organizations may even invest in technology for virtual onboarding to create an engaging and hassle-free onboarding process.     

4. Remote Work

Remote work continues to become increasingly popular. In fact, 65% of employees would prefer to work remotely 100% of the time. What’s more, 75% of managers feel remote work enhances productivity. Due to this ever-growing acceptance of remote work, we may see greater adoption of flexible work policies to accommodate the rising demand.

Organizations will also invest in communication and collaboration tools to ensure that remote teams are connected. They’ll also enjoy access to a much wider talent pool without geographic restriction.       

5. Employee Wellness and Engagement 

A 2024 survey shows that 45% of US employees are burnt out. Also, 62% of respondents consider access to mental health resources a major job benefit. These HR statistics will significantly shape HR practices by driving organizations to increase their focus on mental health support, work-life balance, and workplace culture.

As a result, job postings will increasingly emphasize the availability of mental health resources to boost candidate attraction.  

Only 33% of US employees feel engaged at work; the rest feel increasingly dissatisfied with their organization and disconnected from its mission. However, O. C. Tanner’s 2024 Global Culture Report shows that when leaders and organizations respond to employee feedback, employee engagement and sense of connection increase by almost 1400% and 900% respectively. This may drive HR teams to implement elaborate feedback mechanisms to gather employee feedback and act on it as proof that employee opinions are valued.  

Also, organizations may invest in leadership development programs to boost communication skills and increase employee engagement. Overall, this may power a tremendous increase in employee experience.          

These HR and recruitment statistics capture the state of the industry today. With this information, HR professionals can help their organizations position themselves for success regardless of the competition.