Case Studies
Leading hiring teams use Cangrade to make talent decisions that drive results. Learn how.
Customer stories from companies like yours
See how Cangrade helps HR teams achieve their hiring and talent management goals.

How FDNY built an efficient, bias-free selection process with Cangrade
Discover how FDNY built a Cadet selection process that drove diversity and efficiency.

Raising revenue by $70 million at a Top 50 Industrial Distributor with Cangrade
Learn how this industrial distributor drove higher revenues and retention from its hires.

Transforming performance and retention through hiring at a Fortune 500 Retailer
Explore how effective assessments improved employee performance to propel this retailer’s success.

CareerBuilder reduces employee turnover by 40.6% with Cangrade
See how CareerBuilder leveraged pre-hire assessment results to fuel employee development and performance.

Optimizing sales talent acquisition with Cangrade at a leading Maintenance Supply Distributor
Discover how transforming hiring processes improved sales outcomes.

Accelerating Sales by 30% with Hiring for a Fortune 500 Insurer
Learn how implementing Cangrade’s pre-hire assessments helped this insurer overcome 4 hiring challenges.
Cangrade users experience
more accurate predictions of success
decrease in time-to-hire
increase in interview-to-offer ratio
candidate satisfaction
Transform your hiring and talent management today
See for yourself how Cangrade can help your team make faster talent decisions that drive results.

A few of the organizations that trust us