Hourly Recruitment
Fast hourly hiring with retention
in mind
Fill your hourly roles efficiently and effectively with talent intelligence.

Reclaim your time from hourly hiring
Find the right talent to fill your open roles instantly with Cangrade’s hiring assessments, video interviews, reference checking, and automation. Our hiring solutions find your next hourly hires and automatically move them through your recruitment process and Jules, our AI Copilot, gives you the intel you need to close your open roles quickly.

Identify top talent instantly
Automatically grade candidates’ fit with our soft skill and hard skill assessments for hourly employees. Our AI predicts candidates fit 10x more accurately than traditional hiring methods, so you know your new hires will succeed. Need deeper insights into situational performance? Just ask Jules, our AI Copilot.
Reduce turnover in your hourly hires, fast
Predict the candidates who will thrive and stay in your open roles with Cangrade’s Pre-Hire Assessment with Retention Forecast. Our assessment identifies what drives employee success and retention at your organization and pinpoints the candidates with what it takes. With additional data-backed strategies from Jules, our AI Copilot, for motivating and engaging your employees, you’ll transform your retention.

Engage your candidates and improve offer acceptance
Keep your candidates engaged in your hourly recruitment process with a personalized, fast-moving, automated hiring process. Cangrade’s mobile-friendly and ADA-compliant candidate experience has earned us a 98% candidate rating and Jules, our AI Copilot, knows how to pitch the job so your candidates say yes.
Maximize your hourly talent pool
Make the most of your candidate pool. Cangrade’s Candidate Matching identifies candidates’ potential fit across all your open roles and our patented bias-free technology removes bias from your hourly recruitment so your talent pool expands and so do candidates’ opportunities.

Modernize your hourly hiring operations
Assess fit with soft and hard skills tests, update candidates with automated texts and emails, and dig deeper into backgrounds with live or one-way video interviews and reference checking. Then optimize your hourly hiring process and pipeline with reports and talent management with talent intelligence-backed upskilling and an Internal Talent Marketplace.