Hire top talent, fast
Decrease time-to-hire with Cangrade’s hiring solutions

Narrow your talent pool, quickly
Create a replicable, efficient hiring process that frees up recruiter time with Cangrade’s solutions. Our Pre-Hire Assessments instantly deliver Fit Scores and candidate insights to your hiring team, so you’re able to make the right talent decisions with speed and improve time-to-hire. Answer any lingering talent questions, predict situational performance, and determine how to best offer the job with Jules, our AI Copilot who works as your own personal I/O psychologist, without calling an expert.

Build your talent brand automatically
Give candidates an outstanding experience without recruiter involvement. Our assessment can be taken on any device in less than 14 minutes and provides instant feedback to candidates for efficient hiring.
”I found the questions that make up the ‘Strength Report’ very interesting and introspective. The results of the Strength Report and “advice “ following each strength were also helpful and well worded. I appreciate that, and it made it feel more personal and relatable.” – Jennifer Ryan
“It’s simple and intuitive.” – Johann Comboigo
Centralize your hiring process
Streamline your hiring strategy and your team’s ability to hire candidates who will succeed and stay. Our ATS and HRIS integrations drive hiring efficiency by consolidating your candidate information in one place and providing a seamless, positive candidate experience. See the full list of our integration partners here.

Keep your pipeline moving
Automate time-consuming hiring tasks to free up your resources for more important things. Cangrade’s hiring automation moves candidates through your pipeline and communicates with candidates efficiently so your team can focus elsewhere.
Dig deeper with ease
Learn more about your top candidates objectively and without the hassle of scheduling. Powered by candidates’ Pre-Hire Assessment responses, our automated Video Interviews generate bias-free structured interview questions that are tailored to the soft skills that drive success in your role. Then automatically reference check your top candidates with our automated Reference Checking to verify you’ve found the perfect fit.

Avoid rehiring
Improve hiring efficiency by reducing false starts and rehiring. Find the right fit the first time with Cangrade’s Retention Forecast, which predicts which candidates are most likely to succeed and stay at your organization without any additional assessments. Then use Jules, our AI Copilot, to figure out the best way to motivate and engage your new hires with customized onboarding plans.