How Cangrade Works
Make efficient hiring and talent decisions that drive results
Start with a solid foundation.
Success Model Creation
Find the best candidate for the role every time with our cutting-edge science. Each Cangrade Success Model is unique to your specific role and organization. Partner with our team to generate your profile with AI technology that leverages quantitative KPIs or your own workplace experts who leverage qualitative insights.

Identify your top talent.
Identify top talent accurately and efficiently with Pre-Hire Assessments
Predict candidates’ likelihood to succeed and stay in less than 14 minutes on desktop or mobile. Our easy-to-use recruiter dashboard, insightful candidate and pipeline reports, and Jules, our AI Copilot, help you focus on your most promising candidates so you make the right hire the first time.

Measure on-the-job knowledge with Skills Tests
Assess candidates’ knowledge of required hard skills objectively. Cangrade’s hard skills test library assesses over 100 job-specific skills, proficiency in 30 languages, computer skills, reasoning, and more.
Find the perfect fit with Candidate Matching
Find the right role for the right candidate at the right time. Our Candidate Matching predicts fit for your talent pool on all your open roles with just one assessment, fueling you with the talent intelligence you need for smart hiring and maximizing your talent pool.

Interview with ease and objectivity.

Screen potential hires objectively with Structured Interview Guides
Set your team up for objective hiring decisions and save them time. Cangrade automatically generates bias-free, personalized structured interview questions tailored to candidates’ Pre-Hire Assessment results.

Keep your pipeline moving with Video Interviews
Invite your top candidates to pre-record video responses to your Structured Interview Guide automatically. Then let your hiring teams review, collaborate, and comment when it works for their schedules.
Make the right hire every time.
Streamline and optimize reference checking
Get insights into job-critical skills and past performance to prevent mis-hires. Automatically ask candidates for their references, contact references, collect structured responses, and get notified that candidates’ reference reports are ready to review.

Predict performance and make an offer they can’t refuse with Jules
Take your talent intelligence further by chatting with Jules, our AI Assistant, to predict how candidates will perform in on-the-job situations, how much onboarding support they’ll need, and how to offer them the job so they’ll accept.
Fill skills gaps.

Onboard intelligently to turn new hires into top performers
Leverage candidate data to tailor new hire onboarding. Our assessment delivers coaching tips, suggested training activities, and development content to help new employees thrive and Jules, our AI Copilot, generates personalized employee onboarding plans for you.

Strengthen and engage your workforce with targeted upskilling
Identify the strengths and development priorities of your workforce with our talent intelligence. Then leverage our personalized, ongoing development recommendations, activities, AI Copilot generated custom training plans, and Workforce Development coursework to upskill your workforce and track the results.
Build employee mobility, retention, and ROI.
Make smart moves with Internal Talent Marketplace
Identify the right fit for lateral moves and promotions using our Internal Talent Marketplace. Identify training needs, predict on-the-job performance, and create training plans with Jules, our AI Copilot, to set employees up for success in their new roles.
Measure and improve your employee retention
Benchmark your workforce with Retention Forecast to measure employee engagement on 5 key factors. Then put our recommended actions into place, start predicting candidate retention, and chat with Jules to learn more about your team member’s motivations and skills to build engagement and retention strategically.
Lead your team and maximize ROI with Jules
Tailor your talent management to each employee and situation with our AI Copilot, Jules. Generate personalized training and engagement plans, learn how to prepare team members for promotion, discover how to motivate team members to perform, get directions for addressing challenges, and more.
Continuously optimize your talent decisions.
Validate and optimize your talent intelligence
Measure the ROI and impact of your talent acquisition and management against your workforce’s KPIs. Then, update your Success Model’s predictions with your latest data on employee and new hire success to make your predictions smarter and stronger every year.